Welcome, reader!

You may be wondering what the name of my blog is all about. It is a reworking of “Homo Adorans,” a Latin term introduced by the eminent Eastern Orthodox priest and theologian Alexander Schmemann. Homo Adorans represented Schmemann’s view of what it is to be human. Homo Adorans – man as worshiper, man as priest, and life as an act of adoration. I find it an extraordinarily powerful, life-affirming vision. But I also believe in the power of words. We are told that in the beginning was the Word, but the Word has come to us through the written word. Literature has shaped and defined me, and continues to do so. Fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose – there is simply too much to read, and that is a blessing. So I try to read copiously. But I also write. I write so that I can make sense of what other people write, but also because I have the eccentric and perhaps immodest idea that some of it is good enough to perpetuate, if only modestly, the written word. And so Scriptor Adorans – worshiping writer, writer as priest – should make a little more sense now.

My writings have appeared on Medium since 2022. I have reposted my favorite pieces here, and all new content will be posted here as well.

You can contact me at e u g . e h r e n @ g m a i l . c o m (all together).

Recent posts

mostly writing about what other people write

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